2023 |
05Awarded "Global Leading Company 1,000+ Project" from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups 01Sales Distributor Agreement with CFF, Germany |
2021 |
08Sales Distributor Agreement with CBS, Canada |
2020 |
08Granted a patent for Klinofeed 07Certificated FAMI-QS 07Granted a patent for TOLEIC |
2019 |
06Granted a patent for REI3 |
2018 |
11Granted 2 patents for PROCID, MZINC 08Second extension of Sanding Factory 06Moving of Head office to Bildang-Dong, Cheonan |
2016 |
07Extension of Sanding Factory |
2015 |
11Agent agreement with Palital, Germany 01Completion of Sanding factory |
2013 |
11Founded Dankook Univ. R&D institute of technology |
2012 |
07Certified INNOBIZ 02Certified ISO 14001 |
2011 |
12Certified ISO 9001 01Agent agreement with Biochem, Germany |
2010 |
02Agent agreement with Unipoint, Switzerland |
2009 |
10Agent agreement with Schaumann, Germany 03Registered manufacturing of supplementary feed |
2006 |
12Agent agreement with Nutrex, Belgium |
2004 |
01Founded MorningBio |